Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?

One call starts the ripple effects, leading to an inclusive, empowered workplace. Make the commitment now to start transforming tomorrow.

What are the benefits of private ombuds services?

Our Belonging Ombuds is a neutral and independent third party that helps solve workplace disputes and improve communication. Our benefits include:

Confidentiality: Services are bound by confidentiality, so you can be assured that your discussions will be kept private.

Independence: Ombuds are independent from management, so you can trust that they will be fair and impartial.

Effectiveness: Ombuds have a proven track record of resolving workplace disputes and improving communication.

Cost-effectiveness: Ombuds can be a cost-effective way to resolve workplace disputes, as they can often prevent lost wages and more costly litigation or arbitration.

What types of issues can a ombuds help with?

 Our Belonging Ombuds can help with a wide range of workplace issues, including:
• Harassment and Retaliation
• Discrimination
• Mediation and Negotiations
• Bystander Intervention
• Conflict Mending
• Performance Management
• Whistleblowing
• Employee Relations
• Diversity and inclusion

What are the risks of not taking action?

What if you wait to address employee isolation, exhaustion, and disengagement? Turnover could rise, productivity and innovation may suffer, and top talent could leave.

What are the next steps?

To get started, click the button below and schedule a "Discovery Call". We can't wait to help you achieve your goals!

The future of your company is right there in front of you - reach out and craft it courageously.

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